Two weeks ago, I gave this sermon at our church. I hadn’t posted it, because I already posted a lot of these sentiments on the blog already but I saw a video of couple announcing their miscarriage on Youtube this morning, and it really struck a nerve with me. They had JUST experienced a miscarriage, and they were praising God and thanking him for the opportunity to minister to others through the experience, and were happy that God would work through it. Now, I think that is awesome that they were able to do that, to so quickly find God and fid the good, but not all of us can, and I couldn’t. I was so mad at God in the immediate days following the miscarriage, I didn’t want to think about my faith, I didn’t want to pray, I wanted nothing to do with it, as the immediate pain washed over me, and that is part of the message I gave two weeks ago, when I shared with the church the story that had been playing out in my life with the Hitchhiker’s death, and how far I felt from God. I learned a lot as I processed those things this summer and studied David’s life for VBS and Alaska. So I decided to share this message on the blog today, for those of us that aren’t ready to immediately thank God and praise him in the darkest of circumstances.
When we hear the names,
David and Goliath a lot of images come to mind, possibly from a children’s
story book when we were little, but pretty typical we see and underwhelming
little guy going up against and overwhelming big guy. There is so much more here than meets the eye.
When we get to this point
in David’s story, he has already been portrayed as the kid that no one thinks
much of. Samuel the priest was told by God to go to David’s house, the house of
his father, Jesse and anoint the new king. When Jesse presents his sons, no one
even thinks to go get David. David is the scrawny little shepherd kid. The
other sons are the big brawny guys that can get things done. God sees to the
heart though, and he has Saul anoint David as the future king, much to his
family’s surprise. You would think that this would set David up to get more
credit at home. You would hope, but no, when we get to this story, he is once
again, the scrawny kid of the fields. No one believes in him. That is a
horrible place to be, to be discounted and disrespected and treated as if you
aren’t capable. David though, doesn’t let it flap him. He comes right at them,
and says God got me through the times I had to fight off lions and bears in the
field so he will get me through this.
Lets think about that for
a second, this scrawny shepherd boy wasn’t just watching sheep in a field, he
was protecting sheep in a wilderness that included lions and bears. Not little
ones either, big lions and bears, the bear in question isn’t a berry eating
black bear, no it’s a grizzly kind of bear that roamed the wilderness in those
days in that place. These were big scary animals, and David was literally
getting between them and their food on a regular basis.
A few years ago in Alaska
we were working near an area known for it’s grizzlies, so we went to the river
early one morning to see them. Pretty quickly we found a large grizzly in the
middle of the river on a higher portion eating a salmon. It was a good distance
out, so we ventured out of the van and near the river, so we could get a better
view, where some other people were watching the bears. After we had watched it
for a bit, the bear sniffed the air and noticed all of us, and seemed to decide
that it did not want us near it’s food, so it headed into the water and toward
the river bank. We very quickly got back in the van, but one of the other bear
watchers stayed on the bank. We watched as the bear got closer and I started to
panic. I had a van full of youth group kids and my own children and I didn’t
want them to witness a bear mauling, and I had no idea how we could stop said
bear mauling. The guy stood there for a while, and finally the bear got pretty
close and slammed the ground with it’s front paws, a few times, and finally the
guy took the warning and left. The bear did not want that guy near his food,
and it was scary watching him protect it.
I cannot imagine what
David went through regularly with the lions and bears that wanted his sheep. I
have so many questions about this, like why did his dad send him out there, as
a scrawny kid to defend sheep against lions and bears? Did he still get scared
when they approached? How many times did he miss one when he was using his
sling to make them go away, and how close did they really get? Our friends in
Alaska run into bears often. One man from the church in Skagway, walks the
tracks everyday of the train, and checks them. He has had a lot of bear
encounters, and I asked him, if they no longer intimidate him, since he has
seen them so much, and by the way the ones he sees are not grizzlies, but the
smaller, less aggressive black bears. He told me that of course they are still
intimidating, they can still kill you quickly if they wanted to, and especially
if you are between them and their babies, or them and their food. David was
regularly fighting off lions and bears to defend his sheep with nothing but his
sling and his bare hands.
If we really look at this
story, this whole Goliath thing from David’s perspective, wasn’t that big of a
deal. In his Ted Talk, journalist and author, Malcom Gladwell really breaks
down this story in detail and shows that with the cultural and historical
context of war fare and the health and skills of these two warriors, it was
really Goliath that was at the disadvantage hear, not the scrawny little
shepherd. David couldn’t be an infantry soldier, as Goliath was, he couldn’t
wear armor, he wasn’t big enough. He was a sling fighter, something they
actually had for armies then. He would have been in the sling fighting company
once he reached age to be an official part of the army. This battle between the
Israelites and the Philistines was at a stand still, so the Philistines sent
their biggest infantry soldier for combat, expecting that the isrealites would
send someone similar in. David was not what they were expecting. Goliath
himself, appeared huge and indefeatable, but if you look closely at the
scripture Gladwell says, there are some pretty big indicators that he probably
suffered from the same disease that many people of unusually large size do,
making their vision very poor and making them vulnerable because of weaknesses
in their brain structure and their arteries. So David was incredibly gifted
with this sling, this sling that could turn rocks into bullets basically, from
a distance and he was not going to be close, like hand to hand combat close to
Goliath, making David’s skills even more powerful, and Goliath was vulnerable
to this kind of attack. Really David had the advantage in this particular
situation. He had the upper hand.
It wasn’t a huge miracle
that day, it was something God had set up for years, every time David
encountered a challenge with a lion and a bear, and some brothers that didn’t
care. It was something that was born out of a lot of struggles that he had
already, that made him ready for this giant one. I wonder though which was
harder for David to get through, that encounter with Goliath or all of those
other challenges before?
With Goliath, David knew
exactly what he was getting into, he wasn’t going to be surprised like he was
by the animals. He knew right where Goliath was and he was choosing to face him.
As he made that choice he could reflect on all that God had brought him through
and have confidence. I think the harder challenge is getting through the day to
day struggles and those curve balls that come at us. It’s hard in those moments
sometimes to see God and know that he is with us. It’s hard to have the faith
that tells us though something isn’t easy, it is possible.
Recently I faced off with
my own Goliath. I struggle with how much to share with you about it, but I
stood in front of the congregation in December and told you about this
challenge in December, and since then I haven’t really shared with you publicly
what happened, I haven’t told you all the rest of the story.
We underwent the process
for me to be a gestational carrier, to carry a baby that was not mine for a
couple that couldn’t. It was a huge thing, but I felt confident that God had
prepared me with so many other things in life to do this. I had that same
attitude as David. God brought me through that other hard stuff, we got this,
he will get me through. It was a big
adventure in loving my neighbor and following Jesus example to lay our life
down for others. It was hard, there were lots of hoops and lots of medications,
and injections, but it was all good, because Jesus had my back on this one, and
all the evaluators agreed I had a good support system and was very physically
and emotionally capable. I had a few
responses similar to David’s family and Saul when as we told people what we
were doing, people doubted me, or doubted the sanity of doing such a thing, but
it didn’t stop me. We transferred an embryo in January. A few weeks and many positive pregnancy blood
tests later, we got to see this baby, we had worked so hard for, and I watched
as his parents were filled with joy to see his little tiny, still had a yolk
attached self on the ultrasound machine. Three weeks later we went in for the
second ultrasound, this time the baby was bigger, and there was no yolk sac,
but there was no heartbeat either. He had stopped developing and died.
I wish I could say that in
that moment I looked up to the heavens and said “The Lord gives and he takes
away, blessed be the name of the Lord.” I didn’t, I couldn’t. I couldn’t wrap
my head around this happening. I wish I could tell you I had faith in that
moment that everything was going to be fine, but it wasn’t. I didn’t have miscarriages, my body was super
well prepared for this, my uterus was beautiful. I was following God’s call to
serve others. This was not part of that, this couldn’t be part of that. I
didn’t want to talk to God. I didn’t want to read scripture. I had the presence
of mind to ask for prayer, because I knew we needed prayer for our two families
at the time, but I couldn’t do it myself. I was hurt and confused and so
horribly sad. As a youth leader I was living out one of my biggest nightmares,
a child under my care had died. I love all my youth group kids as my own, but I
am always very mindful that someone loves them and worries for them far more
than I can, and here I was carrying someone else’s baby and it had died under
my watch. Why would God let this happen?
I didn’t want to know, I didn’t want to know what positive things might come
out of this in the future. At the hospital a week later as I was waiting to
have the surgery to remove the baby, the chaplain came in, and wanted to help
us remember and recognize the life of this baby, as if we could forget him. As
I was laying there in nothing but a paper surgery gown she described
tombstones, that we could have his name carved into, but he wasn’t ours to
name. She went on and on, but I wasn’t even wearing underwear, I couldn’t
process how to memorialize a baby that was currently dead inside of me, but
wasn’t mine, without underwear on. It was cruel in that moment to even ask such
a thing of me. Then she asked if she could pray with me, and I was so hurt I
said no. Why would God send his representative in at a time like that with
words like that for me? If God knew me and loved me, he would know
Thankfully even if we
don’t want God, God still wants us. God pursued David, at times in his life
when David was ignoring God. We can see in the Bible that God rescued David,
even when David ran away. God came to David even when David rejected Gods ways.
David amassed tons of wives, but he still had to have Bathsheba, another man’s
wife, something that was definitely not okay with God. David had the Ten
Commandments, he knew that was wrong, but he let his own desires take over his
desire for God. Even then God still
pursued him, even then God loved him, even then God helped him get through. Yes
there were still consequences to his actions, but God did not abandon him, even
in David abandoned his desire to follow God. There is so much more to David’s
story than the battle with Goliath. He is called the man after God’s own heart,
yet he is far from perfect. He didn’t have to be perfect, because he served a
perfect God, whose love was so perfect
Life was hard for David,
the everyday things seemed to get in his way a lot, not just the big tragedies.
The power of being a king would get to be too much for him. His own lust would
prove to be too much for him. Parenting proved way too much for him, if you
want to read some messed up Bible stories just take a look at the ones about
David’s kids. At times he was confident, but we can see in the Psalms that he
wrote, other times when he was afraid and felt that God had left him alone and
helpless. We can see by looking at his
story though, that God never left him, we can see from his Psalms that though
he had times of fear and doubt, David was always reminded again of God’s love,
mercy and protection. God brought him through it all and wrote a story of his
love through David’s life, but it wasn’t easy, Goliath, was the easiest part of
the story it seems.
God is so willing to stand
by us, like he stood by David, that even if we reject him, he is willing to
continue pursuing us. Jesus sacrificed himself, so that we could be made right
with God no matter what we do, we can be forgiven, no matter what we do, we can
be friends with God. No matter what when we choose to follow God, he is with
I forget sometimes like
David did, that God is with me. I forget that even when bad things are
happening, he is in my corner, working things out in ways I might never see. I
forget that he has worked some pretty big things out for me, and instead like
David did, I hide in a cave of fear and doubt and depression. That is what I
was doing after the baby died. Maybe you do that too. Maybe sometimes things
overwhelm you and cause you to turn away from your faith and miss out on seeing
the amazing, protecting and providing presence of God in your life. Thankfully
though, God is willing to help pull us out of that, and he has also surrounded
us in the church with people that are willing to be with us through hard times
as a physical representation of God’s love.
God pulled me out of that
darkness, very gently through the people he has placed in my life. He
surrounded me with a family that loved me through it, and let me rest and heal.
He surrounded me with friends that told me it was okay to be sad for a baby
that wasn’t mine, and gave me permission to worry more about my feelings for a
while than the baby’s parents’ feelings. He surrounded me with friends that
reminded me that God mourned with me, and didn’t try and get me to put a
positive spiritual spin on it as it was all so fresh and raw. He gave me two great friends in our pastor in Alaska and a local youth pastor, that gently reminded me that God was with me, but didn’t try and make me talk to him. He surrounded us
with friends who quite literally fed us through that time, dropping food off at
our door without even asking. When I felt so empty and do worthless, God
literally wrapped me in love, through the presence of our giant great dane, who
everyday would wrap his giant body around me on the couch for a while. The
death of the baby was an unexpected bear attack and I panicked for a bit, but I
wasn’t alone, God got me through, and slowly I was able to see that, and slowly make my way back to understanding his presence. What has he gotten you through? Or are you having trouble finding him at all?
A few months ago, we got
the all clear to try again, and I along with the family of the baby were very
excited and hopeful. Until I got the dates for the medications to start and the
transfer itself. I had to start meds the week of Vacation Bible School and increase
the doseages over the course of the Alaska Mission. I immediately started to
panic. Originally with the first transfer I was supposed to be in that sweet
spot of pregnancy where normally you had a lot of energy and felt pretty good
considering you were growing a human. I was supposed to have a big baby belly
to take pictures with in front of the Welcome to Alaska sign and put in a book
of our adventures with the baby. I
wasn’t supposed to have an empty belly and be on meds that made me overly
tired, cranky and nauseous. So I prayed
a lot, I would exhale prayers of Jesus help me, I prayed so much I probably
more than made up for the days I didn’t want to talk to God, although I am
pretty sure God doesn’t keep track of those things so it doesn’t really matter.
I had to rely on God for everything, for the strength to get out of bed some
mornings to the strength to stay awake long enough at night.
God came through. We had
one of the most successful weeks of Vacation Bible School ever, thanks in very
large part to the many incredible volunteers. I am still hearing from parents
about the impact it has had on their kids, even their little kids, and the
conversations that are now taking place around their homes about Jesus. I was
weak, but he was strong and he provided so many willing volunteers who were
much stronger than I.
Then Alaska rolled around
a few days later, and I was really nervous about how I would be able to lead
the team well. Again God provided. We had a drama free team of students, that
all meshed well together despite being from two different churches. They worked
hard and they really reached out to the community of Skagway. We had a dream team of leaders with us that
helped to make sure everything ran and were proactive in jumping in and getting
things done. These things equipped me for the battle of a youth mission trip.
We were absolutely
welcomed back to Alaska with open arms, and even so much sunshine we got sun
burnt. Everywhere we went on our first full day there, we heard, “Portland is
back! Welcome back Portland” and we were greeted with lots of hugs, smiling
faces and excited anticipation for the week ahead. I saw one of our old Kayak
guides, who had taken us kayaking on the lake and even he recognized us, and
was glad we were back to work with the kids of Skagway. It was so encouraging
to see that God had made our presence known in such a good way in that town,
and that by doing so he was making himself known. Our faithfulness in going
back, showed his faithfulness, our joy brought his joy, and our love showed his
love. That is such a powerful thing. Every night people of the town made sure
we had dinner, and it was always amazing. They even opened their businesses to
us once again, and gave us free rides on the train, free kayaking and a free
zip lining tour. We poured out God’s love and they flooded us right back with
it. That was incredibly empowering and energizing to me.
Our programs were flooded
with kids again. We had lots of little ones in Vacation Bible School so many that
we had to add a third group the schedule. We had kids were at the age that they
could come to both VBS and youth group at night, and they eagerly came. At
youth group we saw all the old familiar face and were blasted with a bunch of
new ones and new names to learn and it was fantastic.
One of the things that we had planned to do
this year, that we had never done before, was have a lock in, which is our term
for an overnight event at the church, only there are no locks on that church,
so we just called it an overnight event. We wanted the students from Portland
and Skagway to have more time together before we left, to form deeper
relationships and share more experiences, because we really feel that it’s
through those things that Jesus love is communicated the best. Several people
told me this was a crazy idea, that we would already be exhausted and then to
throw this in at the end of the week would be the end of us. We did it anyway,
and it was amazing. This picture was taken that night,and my heart just bursts
when I see how many kids were there, and all the old faces and the new ones,
and all three groups of kids having so much fun together that you don’t know
which one is from which group.

That night I had to take
an extra injection of meds, because the doseages were increasing. I worried
that it would tire me out, and I wouldn’t be able to make it through the night.
There was a pause in the action, where the kids were entertaining themselves,
so I decided to go in and take my meds, and when I came out, a mom from Skagway
that had been helping with youth group all week was waiting for me. She had
seen me getting all my supplies, and heard me talking to Spencer, so she asked
if I was going through the invitro fertilization process. When I told her yes,
she proceeded to tell me her story of invitro and multiple miscarriages, and I
knew the ending to this story, because her twin daughters are two huge parts of
our youth group up in Skagway and I absolutely adore them. I can’t tell you how
encouraging that was, to hear her story, and to see those girls there having a
blast with their Portland friends. It gave me the boost I needed to finish out
an exhausting week. God provided, as I saw his faithfulnees to that mom, and
how he helped her overcome the lion of infertility.
Now I am staring down
another bear. On Wednesday I go in for another embryo transfer. Last time it
was so exciting. This time it’s not. I didn’t slay the giant last time, I
didn’t make it to the end of a healthy pregnancy and hand over a healthy baby.
The giant of this whole thing is looming over me and it looks bigger than ever.
So I have to draw on all those bears God helped me slay in the past. I have to
see that God got me through those so he will get me through this. I have to look at this photo of us on the
mission trip, in front of the Alaska sign. We didn’t stop on the way in to
Alaska this year as we normally do, instead we stopped on the way out. Which
was a huge blessing to me personally to not be confronted with that sign and
the lack of a baby belly with which to take a picture. Instead we took this as
we were leaving after a great week of seeing God work through us and through
the people of Skagway, and I was able to stand there with a smile on my face.

What bears has God brought
you through? What giants is he having you face down now? Are you able to see
him at work in your life, or are you missing out because you are stuck in fear
and doubt, or even shame about who you are or the circumstances of your life.
God is there for you, God is supporting you, God is helping you slay those
bears, you just have to look around and see him. You just have to choose to
want to see him, and allow him to lead you. And if you feel like you can’t see him, like he isn’t there, or you don’t want him there, that is ok too, God won’t leave you, and someday, he will gently remind you of his love and his presence, and hopefully in the mean time you can be encouraged by the people around you, who are able to see God but mourn with you too.